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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Batugan Mode: ON

Boredom days are not yet over. But they are soon to end. I think I only have two weeks of sem break left and I honestly still don't want to go back to school. Believe it or not, I'm enjoying my 'batugan' (lazy) days also known as sem break. There's really nothing to do except watch TV, sit in front of the computer the whole day, sleep, eat and babysit my baby brothers. Sounds like heaven, right? Well, actually no. It's boring, deathly boring to be exact, but I admit I love being a bore here in our house more than going to my classes and be bored with my college professors. I hate sitting in class for hours then walking to the next oh-so-far away building of my next class. Why is UP so big anyway? And why are the jeepneys' routes like that? They are circling the whole campus without going near the actual buildings (e.g. Math and NIP). It's better to walk (and sometimes to run which I luckily haven't experienced just yet) than to ride an Ikot or a Toki. Anyway..

Poor me, I have nothing better to do with these precious days. But I am enjoying with Tumblr and Picnik and Backyard Monsters just a click away. I know what you're thinking right now. You're thinking that this is such a lame way to enjoy when I should be going out and hanging with my friends. A grounded-slash-home-imprisoned girl cannot obviously do that. And I don't have funds (savings = 0) to carry me outside our house except for a few meters away. I repeat, poor me. Poor in many ways including the literal meaning of poor.

So what really are these three things that makes sem break somewhat special? (awww..NOT! Haha.) First is tumblr and I know that everybody knows what tumblr is. I've been editing pictures too using Picnik so I can upload them to tumblr. My photos suck so I'm really sorry about that. Please do check my tumblr page too.. Yey! Reality is better than dreams. True, right? For me it is. Just like what Tom's friend in 500 days of summer when he talks about his girlfriend, "She's better than the girl of my dreams, she's real." See? Reality (is indeed) > Dreams. ♥

Like what I said, I've been editing pictures I took myself and pictures I just got from Google (haha) using Picnik. What in the world is picnik? Well, it's a site where anyone who suck in real photoshops can edit their pictures and put effects and texts on them. Now you have an idea on my photoshop-ing abilities. I suck at it! is the site and I'd like to share it with you! So if you suck like me, you better start using this. And, yea, you're welcome. :)

The last one is not a website unlike the two others mentioned above. It's an application in facebook (I'm not giving you a link of Facebook cause even toddlers and infants and babies and pets know what the hell Facebook is) and it's really awesome! Awesome, did I just say that? It looks awesome if you have nothing, and by this I mean nothing, to do. You create your own Town Hall and Twig Snappers and many other buildings and you create your own monsters and fight with other people who use Backyard Monsters. Awesome, right? I don't really think so. I'm just completely bored. To death.

And did I already mention that our cable is really crappy because they removerd ETC and Jack from our channels? We already called and they said they will check on it but up until now they're acting kinda lazy (like me) and they still haven't. I think they're also having their 'batugan' mode on and enjoying their own sem break. Shitty cable. No more Glee, The Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl for me. ETC is my only source for these and they removed it. Croowell. Think I'll just download them.

That's all for now folks. See you next post! :)

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